Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Make it Count

Last Friday a new page turned. In fact, the twenty-fourth chapter began, and I usually do not read books with that many chapters; however, in this case lets be glad I did. I turned twenty-four years old! Can you believe it? I am growing up! Here I am almost done with the first quarter and I am still trying to get over the disappointment that kindergarten nap time set me up for.

Besides my birthday happening, so is Spring! I love Spring, it is by far my favorite season. For starters its about the only season in Alabama that the temperature is actually bearable. It host my birthday, talk of the upcoming fall football season and college spring games. Easter, which is my favorite holiday and with that comes the best candy. The colors and the flowers are fantastic, especially all of the tulips covering the Alabama campus. All of the green grass and trees. I could continue but I will save us all the time.

All of that aside, I hate that I will be missing Alabama in Spring time. It seems as though part of my journey so far can be marked by things I have missed. Christmas. My brother and father's birthdays. My birthday. I will miss my sister's birthday and Easter. Probably my sister-in-law's birthday and my grandfather's. It makes it hard and causes me to question my being in Los Angeles. Sometimes I am afraid that when looking back on these occasions it will be as though my life was void during this time. I will not be in the family photos or the stories. Almost non-existent in reminiscings.

In stead of allowing this to get me down, it has encouraged me. I cannot make up the events and holidays I have missed, nor can I prevent my absence at future ones. What I can do, however, is make it count. Failure is no option, that only means it was all for nothing. I am setting goals and fighting to reach them, striving to make it all count. If I achieve my goals and serve God in whatever I am doing, I believe it will all be worth it.

I find it very appropriate that I have begun this new season of life during my favorite season. The Spring season is significant of a fresh start, starting over. Is that not what Easter is all about? Jesus bringing new life? A second chance? Now, during Lent and with the start of Spring right around the corner, is the perfect chance for each of us to make our lives count. Let us not leave our hardships and struggles in vain and bitterness, but in strength and with determination. Let's Make it count!


{shell} said...

please know you are welcome and wanted for Easter @ the Swope home...we LOVE you and would be HONORED to share the JOY of Easter with you!

Unknown said...

Your short life here on earth has already made a huge impact and there is no way it will ever be void and certainly non-existant!We do miss you and especially during the special occasions in our family, but you are always here in spirit and especially held closely in our hearts at all times.Keep your eyes on God,never compromise your values or forget what you were taught. Always remember who you are and Whose you are and all will be well !!

Unknown said...

It's called "growing up." I know that God is not finished with you--He does not have incompletes. Keep your eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith. When I was away for Tuscaloosa, I missed the azaleas on the President's Mansion lawn in the spring time.

Jessica Handley said...

Wes, 24 was my "OMG- I am an adult" bday! I will never forget it- I looked around at a table full of people celebrating my and your mom's bdays and I thought- " I am an adult- these parties are a little ridiculous now". It's a good thing to realize that you are no longer a child and that you have to take responsiblity for yourself- Have fun with it- and remember that God will always be with you guiding your steps- you just have to listen and follow! Love ya cuz!